Sacred Goddess is an annual one day summit with a panel of powerful speakers. This event is for women anywhere along the journey of awakening and self-discovery. 

Align with your highest expression, remember who you are and tap into your infinite potential. You will harness your inner feminine power and experience the freedom to be…to be authentically and unapologetically you. You are a powerful being with the power to manifest a life of bliss, beyond your wildest imagination. Ignite your power, live life on purpose and live a life you love!

You can expect to leave with an elevated vibration, deep connectivity to yourself, a new authentic community of sisterhood and connection to purpose.

Powerhouse Presenters:
Tanya Paluso – Being a New Generation Feminine Leader
Adelle Juliet – Freedom To Be Through Movement. All in for All Life.
Jolie Dawn - Manifesting Miracles
Rose Cole – Powerful Rituals For A Kick Ass Life
Cory Michelle – Asking Great Questions
Monique Darling –  Empowerment through Embodiment

Stay tuned for our next event!